Analysis Specifications
Product specifications for analytical services offered by your lab are listed as Analysis Specifications and are configured per Sample type by lab managers
Client's own Specifications
The same functionality is available to clients to may maintain their own specifications. When creating new Analysis Requests, users select which Specification of valid results ranges to apply

Also see

Configuring Specifications
Navigate to Analysis Specifications in the LIMS setup and click Add. Select which Sample Type or Product the Specification applies to and give the new Specification a corresponding name. Labs might have say different specifications for different export markets for the same Product or Sample Type
On the Valid range tab, enter the
- Min, Max allowable valid results range
- Min and Max warn for values outside the valid range, but within allowable uncertainty or tolerance limits
Results within this shoulder range will raise a less severe alert
Comments can be capture for each specification
Selecting Specifications for Samples
When a Sample Type / Product is selected on the Sample registration form, available Specifications are available for the user to select from
NB. The restriction on the sample registration has been removed recently, one can use the same spec for any Sample Type, and the Sample Type is now only used to differentiate where it really matters, the alcohol percentage in wine and brandy say, and the system relies on the user to select the correct specification


Results out of Range
Results outside of the selected specification are highlighted on their views in Worksheets, Samples and COAs
In the lab, staff may then take measures such as entering rejection or re-testing workflows
Results Options for alerts on text outcomes

For Example, Salmonella with outcomes, Negative, Positive or Indeterminable
With numerical values of -1, +1 or 0, its specification can be configured correspondingly
On an Analysis Specification page:

A Positive will raise an alert