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Bika Open Source LIMS Training 2014. Lectures and Sprint

Dates for the 3rd Bika Training workshop were finalised: Thursday 20 - Friday 28 November with the option of an extra week Dev sprint
When Nov 20, 2014 10:00 AM to
Nov 28, 2014 06:00 PM
Where SANBI Cape Town & Bika House Pringle Bay
Contact Name
Attendees lemoene, Jordi, Campbell, Pau, Alex
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News 3 November 2014: We negotiated a $250 concession on accommodation. Prices updated below.

Accommodation is 2 houses away from the training venue on the Pringle Bay beach front.


Like the previous, the 2014 workshop will be presented in Pringle Bay, in English and Spanish, but starts with 2 days of lectures at SANBI at the University of the Western Cape in Cape Town, who sponsors bringing Jordi over from Barcelona.

Everybody who wants more intensive training, then moves over to Pringle Bay for another week or two. Participants are requested to put their own uses cases and feature requests forward for the PB hackatons. If all goes well, customisations should make it into a release at the conclusion of the sprint.

Please select from the options tabled below. The SA Rand is having a hard time, all currency conversions to be concluded on transaction dates using Google quoted rates please;-) Bitcoin will be appreciated. Non profit, public health, education and environmental organisations qualify for concessions, please pitch to us at Sponsorships welcome, will be hyped, same address;-)

SANBI bled

Bika Configuration and Use

SANBI Day 1. Thursday 20 November. UWC Campus, Cape Town

Configuring and Using Bika LIMS
Using Bika Health
Bika Bioinformatics introduction

Issue tracking - feature requests and bug reports

Bika Installation and Customisation

SANBI Day 2. Friday 21 November. UWC Campus, Cape Town

Installing Bika

Customising Bika

Git. Code convention, contributions and pull requests

Best development practice. Agile

Bika architecture

Extensions. Bika Health

Workflow. Recent examples from bioinformatics, environmental health and geochemistry

Instrument interfaces, using Tolu's work. We have many more specs participants can play with. Bring your own.


Bika Labs Logo (Small - gif)   Naralabs logo

Bika House Week 1, Pringle Bay. Monday 24 November to Friday 28 November

User training with a parallel stream for coders. There is no shortage of functions to code. Please bring your own use cases and feature requests to be completed with our assistance.

Bika House Week 2, Pringle Bay. Monday 1 December to Friday 5 December 

Coding sprint.

Participant must bring own WiFi capable laptops. Prepaid reservation. Lunch, coffee and refreshments included.

Schedule & Prices

Bika LIMS Training - November 2014

Exchange rates. 
The ZAR is volatile. All currency conversions to be concluded on transaction dates using Google rates
7 Oct
Participants may select any part or combination from options 1.1, 1.2, 2, 3 and 4.
Option # Dates Description Price
1.1 Thurs 20 November Bika Configuration and Use R325 $29 €23 0.09286
1.2 Friday 21 November Bika Installation and Customisation R325 $29 €23 0.09286
Training , including lunch, coffee & refreshments
On Campus accommodation (if required) R300 $27 €21 0.07242
Training Week, Pringle Bay R4250 $379 €299 1.21429
Mon 24 to Fri 28 November

Welcome lunch Sunday 23 November, post Training Sat 29
Lunch, Coffee & refreshments
Transfers CPT – Pringle Bay – CPT. Sharing

Pringle Bay Accommodation per week if required R4400 $393 €310 1.25714
7 Bed nights in self catering holiday house, private room. Breakfast fruit, cereals, fresh bread, coffee, etc.

Backpackers' alternative. 'Basic'. No meals R1875 $167 €132 0.53571
Extra Sprint Week, Pringle Bay R1800 $161 €127 0.51429
Mon 1 to Fri 5 December Lunch, Coffee & refreshments

+ 1 Extra Week accommodation if required R4400 $393 €310 1.25714


Backpackers'. No meals R2125 $190 €150 0.60714

Couch surfing & meals. Limited availability R1875 $167 €132 0.53571
Optional R800 $73 €57 0.23214
Sunday 30 November Overberg day outing, including lunch & refreshments


Sunset Beach. Coding Open Source LIMSViews from Bika House

 Pringle Bay training venue

Top DeckKogelberg Biosphere Reserve

Pringle Bay

Clarence drive, en route between the 2  venues, often gets rave reviews
More pics.
Sunset over False Bay