Small features and enhancements, five new instrument interfaces, detection limits support and more improvements are included and bugs reported in 3.1.7 fixed. Upgrade instructions and more information
- LIMS-280 System IDs starting from a specified value
- LIMS-1324 Hide analyses in results reports
- LIMS-1379 Manual uncertainty value input
- LIMS-1507 Reasons for non publication notification
- LIMS-1628 Results interpretation field per lab department
- LIMS-1629 Results reports pagination per lab department
- LIMS-1700 Lower and Upper Detection Limits (LDL/UDL). Manual input
- LIMS-1705 Invoices. Currency unit overcooked
- LIMS-1769 Use LDL and UDL in calculations.
- LIMS-1775 Select LDL or UDL defaults in results with readonly mode
- LIMS-1779 Results report new fields and improvements
- LIMS-1808 Uncertainty calculation on DL
- LIMS-1819 Bika LIMS in footer, not Bika Lab Systems
- WINE-44 Partition ID on Sample stickers only if ShowPartitions option is enabled
- Some new ID Generator's features, as the possibility to set the separator char
Many bugs fixed.
New Instrument Interfaces

Bug fixes and all improvements in LIMS 3.1.8 inherited. Upgrade instructions and information.
Thank you
Jordi, Campbell, Pau, Alex, Jayadeep, Aman, Chandan, Abhiram, lemoene and all other code contributors, testers, feature requesters and providers of the enthusiasm that keeps everybody fired up. Sponsorship was provided by Equigerminal, DEOHS University of Washington, SANBI, Lab San Martin, and off course individual Naralabs and Bika Lab Systems team members who continue to contribute massively on their own accounts.