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And so is Bika Health 315

Following the release of Bika LIMS 3.1.5, our LIMS for health care laboratories, Bika Health, has been upgraded to 3.1.5 too, inheriting the new LIMS code and adding more health care enhancements
And so is Bika Health 315

Bika Health Open Source LIMS web-based workflow in health care laboratories

Fixes and Enhancements

Per issue number in the Bika Issue Tracker:

  • HEALTH-176 Cannot choose a drug from the dropdown list on Patient->allergies
  • HEALTH-174 Unable to add an AR to a Case (missing Client)
  • HEALTH-163 Cannot be chosen Immunisation items from dropdown list.
  • HEALTH-162 Cannot choose Drug Prohibition Explanation
  • HEALTH-169 Analyst can't see Samples site, Admin can.
  • HEALTH-1082 Diagnosis ICD widget does not complete from Code, Description
  • HEALTH-1082 In Add Patient, after introducing the Birth Date, the patient's age don't get filled automatically.
  • HEALTH-1082 Patient field is missing in AR add views
  • HEALTH-1082 Compatibility with the new JS loader machinery
  • HEALTH-1082 Editing a patient, location not have to be important on Travel History field
  • HEALTH-1082 "Patient Age at Case Onset Date" in Add Case cannot be filled
  • HEALTH-1082 Anything is displayed on drugs list
  • HEALTH-1082 ImmunizationHistory cannot save data
  • HEALTH-1082 Compatibility with the new Bika LIMS reporting subsystem
  • HEALTH-1082 Upgrade the test data worksheet
  • HEALTH-1082 Health icons not used. And 1 more
  • Also see Bika-LIMS 3.1.5 release notes


The Bika Health on-line demonstration installation will be upgraded with the new code this week

Thank you all sponsors, testers, bug reporters and feature requesters, Naralabs for coding!


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