11.5 Verifying results
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Best PracticeVideo ... is to verify results on Worksheets in the context of the WS QC analyses and peers, including duplicates, Verification per worksheet overleaf To verify Samples without inspecting individual analyses - for ISO compliance, Bika does not allow it - much additional navigation is required. It is avoided on worksheets VerificationAnalyses rule parent SamplesA Sample's status is always equal to the lowest status among all the individual child analyses it contains Analyses individually advance to To be verified as results are submitted for them be analysts Verifying results, either via worksheets or directly on the Sample as once the last analysis moves to verified, the Sample automatically follows suit and is ready to be Published Clients see Verified resultsAuthorised Clients Contacts may track Sample progress on-line throughout, they for the first time see results after they are verified In the next final step, the Sample's COA, Certificate of Analysis, will be published to them corresponding to their publication preferences
Verifying or Retracting SamplesTo be Verified Sample list reflects all analysis requests with all results submitted and ready to be reviewed for verification Bika does not allow blind verification of results from Sample lists, and no [Verify] button on the lists The Verifier has to see the results on the Sample - open the Samples under consideration and inspect the results. RetractIf some of the results require re-testing, select them and press the [Retract] button. The Analyses selected return to state Received. The Sample follows suit and demotes itself down from To be Verified VerifySimilarly, results that are in order can be selected and promoted to Verified with the [Verify] button. The Analyses and parent Sample transition Verified State An alert shown to users authorised as publishers to publish the Verifed Samples is ready for publication Analysts don't verify own resultsQua ISO 17025. Unless explicitly configured not to, Bika and Senaite will not allow the same user to submit and verify results. The verify options are by default not available on Samples for the user who submitted its results For small labs, or skeleton staff in emergencies, this feature can be disabled. The LIMS will display alerts along these results, and all activities remain traceable in the logs Verification authorisationResults verification is probably the most important action in analysis workflow. By default, only users authorised as labmanagers are entrusted with this An additionally complimentary role, 'verifier' is available to assign to experienced analysts in addition to their standard analyst function |
Verification per WorksheetWhere analyses were assigned to Worksheets and their results verified there, their states are promoted the Samples where they originate from
Looking up Analysis information. Log |