Creating Analysis Requests for Anonymous Patients
Analysis Requests for Anonymous PatientsSamples are received without any Case data and the user proceeds directly to creating an AR by navigating to the Client where the samples originate from The user opens the Client AR list and press the Add button, exactly like is done in standard Bika LIMS workflow, see Creating a simple Analysis Request (AR) The AR create form opens, and the user captures the compulsory sampling date and type as was configured earlier, and a clinical panel of tests In this example, the form also includes a compulsory field for the client patient ID, CPID Recurring anonymous patients can be looked up by typing the ID in the field, or scanning it in
Crate an AP on the AR formIf the CPID is not found, a new Patient record is added for the new CPID entered When the user navigates away from the field, the system will reserve the patient name space with the 'Anonymous' text
On saving the form. the system will create a new Patient record with only 3 fields populated
The latter is necessary for future samples from the same patient to be attached on the same Patient record The new anonymous patient's name is completed as a concatenation of 'AP' and his/her CPID to make it easier to order them in Patient lists
Before the user saves the new AR and Patient, he/she needs to add its selected tests/analyses,here pre-completed through the sue of the Analysis Profile see Using Analysis Profiles and AR Templates