10.4 QC Failure Workflow
Retract or Reject. RetestWhen an Out of Range (OOR), result is captured for a Control or Blank Sample, the LIMS raises an alert The user is not allowed to capture any of the routine results after such failure, also those included in the same Worksheet, and the LIMS enforces this, also displaying a warning Some analyses use out-of-date or uncalibrated instruments. Results edition not allowed If configured, it will also take the instrument used off-line until it passes new QC results successfully |
Users are also warned that Analysis results still due, cannot be analysed on the off-line instrument, and may re-assign them on their Worksheets or Manage results tabs Analyses on Worksheets that fail QC can retracted to be repeated, either using a different Instrument, manual Method or recalibrating the instrument until it succeeds with QC samples Recalibrate the InstrumentSee the page How To bring an instrument back on line after failing QC It entails physically fixing the instruments and retesting it with Control Samples. When it passes those tests, the LIMS will allow routine results to be capptured with it
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