10.7 Audit trails
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OverviewBecause Bika is built in modern web server technology, extensive server logs are available. The most useful of these are surfaced in the LIMS for all data objects, in the configuration as well as for transactional Samples, Analyses and Worksheets. It is available to lab manager on each object's Audit log tab Batches, Samples and WorksheetsApart form the username and date time stamp, these logs include columns for the actions taken on the object, its workflow state transitions and the actual changes efected |
Configuration itemsObject versioning is also maintained for setup objects, to maintain database integrity, e.g. modifications to prices are not affecting historic Samples. Configuration objects are always reference by unique ID AND version Analysis ServiceConfiguration items follow the same format and changes on Analysis Services typically include modifications to its Method, Instrument, Uncertainties etc.
InstrumentThe same principle applies, and changes to the instrument's Method, and data export and import interfaces are typically reflected