Install these classic Bika icons to use instead of the standard black and white Senaite's from github
Sample Points
Indicates the location where the sample is taken, described by a set of parameters, incl lat & long for field samples, or node on a production process
Sample Types
E.g. water, ore, blood, wine, urine - depending on the lab's discipline
Used to indicate hazardous samples, configured per sample type in the LIMS set-up. A bigger version of the icon is displayed in the individual Sample views and also printed on sample labels
Analysis Services
All accredited analyses are displayed with this icon throughout the system and results reports
Analysis Categories
Used to differentiate between analyses from different disciplines the lab offers, e.g. chemistry and microbiology
Late Analysis
used to indicate analyses (and the Samples they belong to) that have not been completed though their expected turnaround time has expired
Out of range
This indicates a result that is not in its specified range and applies to both routine and reference samples used for Quality Control purposes, see Analysis Specifications and Quality Control
See analysis specifications . Displayed when a result is out of range but with the its specified error tolerance
To follow
Used on Analysis query results to indicate Analyses that were requested but which have not been completed or verified, and whose results are 'to follow'
Calculations to determine analyses results from dependent analyses and constants, e.g. weight & titrations and others more complex. These calculations may then be selected when configuring individual Analysis Services
The accepted and documented scientific methods used to determine analysis results
To be shown next to Analyses waiting for dependent results
Indicates file attachment to an analysis, and links to it, typically microscope photos

Click this icon on Sample lists and views to navigate to the Sample
Analysis Profiles
Collection of Analyses frequently ordered together for the same sample types. By storing the collection of analyses in a profile, these can be re-ordered for many samples with 1 click
Valid results ranges for routine analyses, per sample type. Any result captured outside of the range specified will raise an alert
Indicates file attachment to a Sample, and links to it, typically microscope photos
Compulsory Attachment
Indicates that an attachment is mandatory
Attachment disallowed
Indicates that file attachments are not allowed, either for an analysis or Client Contact who does not want large email attachments
To confirm suspect results on Samples or Worksheets, they may be re-analysed and to indicate the re-test to verifiers and clients, analysis' re-tested box may be checked
No Invoice
A collection of analyses grouped together for a logical purpose, e.g. to be executed at the same work station, on the same instrument or by the same analyst
Worksheet Templates
To speed up Worksheet creation, worksheets laid out similarly can be made-up from templates configured in the system set-up.
QC icons on Worksheets
The following icons are used on Worksheets to indicate reference samples
Blank reference sample
Indicates a 'blank' sample with expected result of zero
Control reference sample
A reference sample with strictly defined expected result
Duplicate sample
A duplicate of another sample on the same worksheet. These results will be compared and if the difference is out of the specified range, an alert will be raised

Laboratory Information
The name of the laboratory as it will appear in browser frames, contact numbers, physical and postal address, email address and accreditation information
Lab Departments
Lab Contacts
The people that work in the lab
Instruments used in the lab
Reference Sample
Acquired from suppliers, the composition of reference samples are known and they are used to ensure the quality of the scientific methods and instruments used in the lab
Reference Sample Definitions
These are the 'templates' for reference samples kept in the LIMS, including of expected results values and tolerances
The Client organisation
Client Contacts
The people that work at the client and who have access to client data
The organisations from whom the lab buys products (reagents, glassware, etc.) and services (instrument maintenance, etc.)
Supplier Contacts
As for Clients, the Supplier staff contacts and their contact information