LIMS browser Title and favicon. Banner colour
Site TitleTo change the Site Title that is displayed as the browser tab or window title, please navigate to the Configuration Registry in the Site Setup Filter on site_title Click on plone site_title and edit the name. Save
FaviconAs and admin user in the Management Interface, navigate to portal_skins > senaite_images/favicon.ico, and click Customise On the next screen, upload and save your new favicon. It will be put in the portal_skins/custom folder. Next Navigate to portal_view_customizations and find plone.links.favicon (senaite.core.interfaces.ISenaiteCore) and open it Click [Customize] and change the two instance of the text $portal_url/+plone+senaite.core.static/images/favicon.ico to point to the favicon in the custom folder, $portal_url/portal_skins/custom/favicon.ico and save
Banner colourNB bika.ui has to be installed The top horizontal Plone toolbar is black with white text in the default installation, making it difficult for labs without logos on a black background. Which is rare, most laboratories' logos are designed for print and the web Since bika.ui 2.01, white is the only colour. Can now only be changed in the code itself On earlier versions of bika.ui, these guidelines are still valid: Change the colours like this Install the collective.localstyles Plone add-on. It places a file localstyles.1.css in the root folder in the management Interface. Remove this file this file and upload a new CSS here as localstyles.css that includes the desired toolbar background and text colours Navigate to the Managemnt Interface, locate localstyles.1.css, and remove it (If you have bika.ui installed, just rename the file localstyles-1.css as localstyles.css) Create a text file localstyles.css, for a white background and dark grey text, include: #senaite-toolbar { Upload it as a file into the root folder. Refresh the front page, the modifications take immediate effect: |