5.2 Instrument Maintenance
Calibration CertificatesWhile there is no valid calibration certificate available for an Instrument, it is kept off-line Add a new one on the Instrument's Calibration Certificates tab. Click Add and capture as much information possible about the Certificate and its issue From and To dates for the period the Certificate is valid for, are compulsory. Bika uses the To date to determine whether an instrument should be taken off line because its Calibration Certificate expired Click Save |
Instrument's pagesThe pages under discussion here are reached from their corresponding tabs on the specific Instrument
CalibrationsInstruments are taken off-line while undergoing calibration ether bu in-house staff or an external (accredited) agency or vendor. Capture all relevant information for the calibration Then proceed to the Calibration Certificates page to configure and upload it's information, calibration period etc. there, See overleaf Upload all relevant job cards and other documentation relevant to the Calibration task on the Instrument's Document page |
Instrument MaintenanceAll other maintenance tasks such as routine services, sometimes off-site, are captured in similar fashion on what is currently the Instrument's 'Validation' page The LIMS takes the instrument off-line between the maintenance period start and end times DocumentsHere you can upload all digital documentation pertaining to the instrument, manuals and safety regulations say Auto Import LogsIf the instrument is configured to auto import results files, a log of imports are kept here Audit logLike all Bika setup items, an audit trail of the configuration on the Instrument is also kept