1.1.1 User preferences and passwords
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Retrieve and set Password in Bika Senaite 2Without being logged on, open the LIMS front page or navigate to the /login screen. You will be offered an option to Get Help, click it Provide your your username and email address to retrieve your password, or just the latter if you need your username too. Click the corresponding Reset button. An email will be sent to you with instructions on how to reset your password The link is valid for 168 hours
Password requests by the site adminSometimes it is necessary that users' passwords be resend to users, say after a site migration. Only the site admin can do this, triggering a password request to be sent to the selected users Navigate as the admin user to the Users and Groups list in the Site Setup On the user list check the far right Reset Password check boxes for the users that need new passwords, and click [Save] at the bottom of the form The system will send password requests to the users and report it in the Info banner