1.4.1 Replace the LIMS logo, banner, title and favicon
DisclaimerPrerequisitebika.ui must be installed to us this functionality LogoUpload the imageNavigate as admin user to Site Setup, and click on Management Interface In top right-hand corner click on Select type to add, select Image and upload the logo Take note of the address of that image (eg. logo.png)
Edit the registryGo back to Site Setup, navigate to Configuration Registry. Under Records, filter by toolbar_logo Of the three results, click on senaite toolbar_logo and replace the input field with the new logo address, e.g. /logo.png The logo immediately appears in the top left hand corner of the screen Logo sizeIf the image appears too small or too big, add CSS styling to modify it In the Configuration Registry, filter by toolbar_logo Click on senaite toolbar_logo_styles and replace existing styling items and add new ones, e.g. height 50px
Banner colours, replacing the favicon and editing the site title