Error Messages. Alerts. Logs
Instrument QC warnings No Controls or Blanks availableNo Reference Definitions for Controls available. This is shown during the configuration of Worksheet Templates when no Reference Definitions have been configured. Not an error but an alert to the user to complete Reference Definitions first if he/she wants to use them on a WS Template CalculationsWhen configuring Calculations using Interim fields, Bika optimises the number of columns at display time, and forces the user to configure the fields with the same keyword and title combinations already in use |
Parent and children record integrityAs with any database management system, database integrity must be maintained and records cannot be deactivated if others depend on it, e.g. in the case of a Calculation which is used in Analysis Services Error Cannot deactivate calculationbecause it is in use by the following services: .... COA email recipientsWhen the Client Contact email recipients in a selection of COAs to be published to a Clients are not the same across the Samples, the user is required to select who to email the COAs to Not all contacts are equal for the selected Reports. Please manually select recipients for this email If they should not share the reports, navigate back to the Verified Sample list and make sure the selection of Samples to Publish are meant for the same Contact(s) |
Sample registration error messagesField 'Contact' is requiredSample records must have a Client Contact to whom the LIMS will communicate issues and send the results COA to Field 'SampleType' is requiredSample Type is a compulsory field on the Sample Registration form, it is often used in Sample IDs Field 'DateSampled' is requiredDate Sampled is a compulsory field on the Sample Registration form Field 'Analyses' is requiredThis is a misleading error message as it does not necessarily refer to Field Analyses. The Sample registration form has to include at least one requested Analysis and if not this message is shown
Sample's Analysis Specifications changed
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