Bika Cannabis
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Same Same but differentBika Cannabis uses Bika / Senaite at its core and then add a few functions and attributes via add-on products. The standard Bika workflow, standard manual and videos are still valid Bika Cannabis is only available as SaaS, Software as a Service, from Bika Lab Systems due to a government funding restriction. Your implementation will have the Bika Cannabis add-on installed, and also:
The rest of the cannabis differentiation achieved in configuration, setting the LIMS up with cannabis Analysis, methods and instruments. See the Bika Cannabis 2 demonstration installation configuration which is thoroughly populated. Access Cannabis AttributesThese are the new Sample attributes
Both Clients and Lab get license number fields. License Types are set up in the LIMS configuration, Issuing authority is captured as free text |
Integrating MetrcBika exchanges data with Metrc through the use of the Track and Trace browser addon Bika Cannabis 2 Demo Access...
Bulk Sample ImportThe same attributes are also used in the cannabis version the Bulk Sample Import State LimitsTo reflect unwanted pesticide, solvent residue components and regulatory limits, Bika' standard Analysis/Product Specification architecture is used with results beyond the configured specification highlighted in views and results certificates, COAs |
COAsThe Cannabis COAs are based on the standard ISO 17025 ready Bika single and multi Sample templates, with the added attributes and small regulatory requirements to e.g. indicate Pass / Fail in literal text It includes Sample images < Single Sample Cannabis COA to follow> < Multi Sample Cannabis COA to follow>