2 Users and Groups. Security
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User Groups2.1 Types of users and their authorisations Authorisation matrix2.2 Who may do what where to which data objects in which states... Creating users2.3 Create, edit, remove Lab Contacts and Users2.4 Manage lab staff and their users in Bika Setup Best PracticeLIMS Roles can be assigned directly to users, or they can be added to groups to inherit group roles. The latter is best practice as all similar user authorisations, e.g. that for Labclerks, can be maintained centrally. Users may belong to more than one group and groups may have overlapping authorisations SecurityBika Inherits its strong security from the framework it is built on, Plone, trusted by the CIA, FBI, governments, commercial and scientific organisations world wide. Amnesty International, NASA, Fermilab, Yale, Harvard, New Zealand Treasury, Brazilian government. They use Plone Should Lab Clerks create lab clients?If the lab requires lab clerks to create and edit client records, it can be enabled in the LIMS setup, the Security tab
TraceabilityThe underlying web server logs are surfaced to authorised users on all objects' Log tab, their transitions, date/time and user stamp to provide a complete audit trail. For a Sample: To see a specific Analysis' log, navigate to it on its parent Sample, and click the blue information icon on it. It'll pop up a page of all the Analysis' information, including its audit trail at the bottom of the page A global log is available from the Actions drop down menu at the top of pages |