Prepaid testing. Invoicing Use Case
This case describes the Invoice-and-pay-before-any-work-is-done scenario:
7. He/she reviews the Batch’s Invoice in a preview 8. If mistakes are picked up, the user goes back and modifies the Samples, and the Invoice previewed again 9. When in order, the user emails or saves the Invoice, by clicking the corresponding button on the Invoice view NB the Billing function can be configured to email the invoices to both or either of the Client and Lab Accounts department In this use case it goes as a Proforma Invoice to the accounts department only |
9. The invoice email template is displayed to the users where it can still be edited 10. When ready, the user presses [Send] 11. The invoice is emailed as attachment to the recipients listed, the labs accounts department and/or the client at their billing address 12. The user lands on the Invoice list. Invoices can also be listed per Client or Batch 13. The Client pays the invoice 14. The lab's Accounts department informs the lab that the work on the paid for Batches may start 15. The lab retrieves the Samples from Storage 16. Their states are changed to Received and they become available for inclusion on Worksheets 17. The Samples are analysed, their results captured, verified and published 18. NB only when the invoices have been successfully emailed, do their states changed to Invoiced 19. If any Analyses were removed or added during the procedure, a new Invoice can be created, with sequential invoice #