In future
Other types of workflow and layouts will be added as sponsorship can be obtained
In this use case an extra workflow step, say To be Paid is needed but for now labs work around it by registering Samples as Due and only promote them to Received when they are paid for and testing may start
Invoicing Samples
Sure to come must be invoicing for individual Samples instead of per Batch - the foundation is in place now and Samples already have an Invoice tab with a proforma invoice displayed
Samples also get Invoicing states complimentary to their standard workflow states of Due, Received, Verified etc.
Samples inherit Invoicing state changes from the Batches in which they reside and there is currently no manual invoicing of Samples
Configuration items
Batch Invoicing enabled on the Accounting tab in the Setup
The Client billing email address is used for emailing Invoices
The lab’s Accounts department billing email address
Email body for Invoice posts can be edited and formatted by lab managers in the LIMS Setup's Accounting page
Ditto the Invoice footer:

The Batch Invoice IDs remain configurable in the ID server in the LIMS setup. By default, they are made up of ‘Inv’, the year and a sequence number, e.g. Inv23-0001
Only lab managers see the Batch and Client Invoice tabs and it is only displayed to them, not to analysts or samplers
Only lab managers may use the Invoice action button and it is not displayed to anybody else
Clients may view these tabs on their own Batches but have no other authorisations there