Because of the continuous development of the Bika Senaite code, it is near impossible to keep the manual freshly up to date. We apologise for inaccuracy - please alert us to such instances to have it fixed
Please do not use the manual as functional specification
Manual Convention. Database integrity, Workflow and usability overview. How to customise your web based LIMS portal
Brand you LIMS
Laboratory Document Management System
Authorisation roles
Client organisations and their people, Client Contacts, who request analyses and receive results
Global defaults and setup items to be configured for your lab's workflow and user responsibilities.
Use Bika's online spreadsheets for bulk imports of setup data. Get configurations done swiftly
On fresh installations, follow this sequence to ensure everything stacks up
Configuration. Calibration Certificates. QC

The tests your lab offers
Weight loss · Correction factors · Dry Matter · Unit Conversion, more. Configure your own
Analysis Panels · Request Templates
Alerts on out of range results
Reference Analyses on standards of certified specification to determine accuracy of analysts, instruments and reagents. Control charts. 'Out of range' alerts. Instrument corrective action
Intro. Workflow in four easy steps
Bulk Sample Import
Batch Samples together per Work order, Project, Experiment, Batch import etc. Manage them in context

Analyses grouped on Worksheets per lab bench - specialist analyst, method and instrument. Uncluttered results capturing and QC
Results spreadsheet imports
Productivity, Quality Control and Administration reports
Subdivide Samples for distributed analysis
Configuring Storage Facilities and Sample Containers. Storing and Retrieving Samples
Invoicing per Batch
Install, configure, uses and monitor queued background processing
These howtos have to be written up somewhere'
Bulk over-the-counter Samples
Configuring Bika for Fire Assay
Wet Samples
Under Construction
Under construction, Bika Health Manual

If Youtube is not available to you, please try Videos local
Batched Sample registration
Receiving and Labeling Samples. Sample Rejection and Cancellation
Creating Worksheets. Manual results capture
Results Verification. Retesting. COA Publication
Bulk Sample Import
Creating and using Worksheet Templates
Creating and using Calculations
Instrument Interfacing
Bika QC. Reference Definitions and Samples
More videos by Test It lab
Bika | Senaite LIMS Terminology
Health and Biobank
Analysis and Method Vocabulary
Accreditation and QC
Bika Lab Systems Development Jargon
State of these pages This version of the Bika user manual, for Bika Senaite 2, remains work in progress. Updated and sourced from training content, replies to user enquiries and testing sessions. Please comment, Lemoene
Documentation is a love letter you write to your future self - Damian Conway
