Bika | Senaite LIMS Glossary
An. AnalysisOne Analysis, many Analyses These are the tests included on Analysis Requests ordered by clients, they are date-stamped copies of the Analysis Services configured in the LIMS set-up - they'll be completed with results, to be published to clients after verification Analyses are assigned to Worksheets for results capturing and verification API. Application Programming Interface An API is a set of clearly defined methods of communication between various software systems. An API often includes specifications for routines, data structures, object classes, variables or remote calls. In LIMS, APIs are used to communicate with Inventory and Accounts systems and Electronic Records (EMR), Hospital (HIS) and epidemiology systems AC. Analysis Category. Differentiates between analyses from different disciplines Analysis Template. See Analyst Responsible for analysing the samples in the lab and capturing their results truthfully. Analysts often specialise in specific methods and instruments Analyte A substance whose chemical constituents are being identified and measured. Configured as Analysis Services in Bika AP. Analysis ProfilesCollection of Analyses frequently ordered together for the same sample types. By storing the collection of analyses in a profile, these can be re-ordered for many samples through one click instead of having to select all the analyses one by one. Sometimes also called an analysis selection Panel or Mask AR. Analysis Request NB Since Bika Senaite 1, the term Sample is preferred and the AR Concept removed The collection of analyses requested for a specific sample, an 'test order'. There can be more than one AR per Sample where Samples are kept in Storage, e.g. biobanking or geological exploration. In labs doing perishable Samples, rapidly disposing them, only one AR per Sample is used and the two terms get the same meaning AS. Analysis ServiceThe term used to describe the testing services the lab offers to clients and prospects. Fully configurable, units, specifications, methods, limits of detection and prices ASTM ASTM's laboratory testing standards are instrumental in specifying the standard dimensions, design, and make of the various equipment and instruments used in the laboratory for scientific experiments and procedures. These standards help laboratories, manufacturers, and other users and producers of such apparatuses in ensuring good quality and workmanship. Audit trail/log An audit trail is a security-relevant chronological record that provide documentary evidence of the sequence of activities that have affected at any time a specific Bika object, e.g. AR or Worksheet BatchBika uses Sample Batching to group Samples together where this makes logical sense, to manage them to publication in context, sans the system noise generated by other analysts and managers In manufacturing labs, Batches are often configured as Work Orders, Production Runs or Lots. For research labs, Batches as configured as Experiments or Projects Batch Part Describes a 'phase' in a Batch, e.g. in Wine where Bika Batches are used to track a wine over 3-4 months and the analyses are grouped in Batch Parts per stage, Fermentation, Aging, Blending, Final product Client In Bika and Senaite, a Client represents the client organisation the lab does analyses for Client Contact The people at a Client the LIMS communicates with. Client Contacts request the Client's Analyses and the results COAs are returned to them Client Order ID The ID provided by the Client to reference ARs or Batches in their own accounts systems Client Reference The description that may be provided by the Client to further describe Samples, ARs or Batches in their own reference framework CMS. Content Management System In the context of a Web site, a CMS is a collection of tools designed to allow the creation, modification organisation and removal of information. It is common for a CMS to require users to have no knowledge of HTML in order to create new Web pages The signed document of Analyses completed on a Sample including Sample Identification, results, the Methods and Instruments used, signatories and terms and conditions COC. Chain of Custody Refers to the chronological documentation or paper trail, showing the seizure, custody, control, transfer, analysis, and disposition of physical or electronic evidence COCC. Chain of Custody Certificate Composite Sample Combined from sub-samples, e.g. Surface Water on a dam - several samples are taken at different points on the dam as per say 10 by 10 m grid, and poured into the same container, homogenised and analysed. As opposed to a 'Grab' sample which is the standard way most Samples are taken CRM. Certified Reference Material'Controls' or standards used to check the quality and metrological traceability of products, to validate analytical measurement methods, or for the calibration of instruments. A certified reference material is a particular form of measurement standard. CSID. Client Sample ID Used by lab clients for in-house indexing. The LIMS issues a sequential lab ID, the SID CSV. Comma separated value An open comma delimited text file used to transfer data from spreadsheets into Senaite, often instrument results exports Wikipedia: a delimited text file that uses a comma to separate values as tabular data in plain text. Each line of the file is a data record. Each record consists of one or more fields, separated by commas Disposal Date. The date calculated from the date the sample is received |
DMS. Document Management SystemA system to track, manage and store documents to reduce paper and improve turnaround time accessing and editing them, at the same time maintaining version control and Review, Comment and Publish workflows. Bika is built in web content management framework, Plone and all of say the lab's accreditation documentation, can be managed and prepared for audits here in the LIMS portal ERP. Enterprise Resource Planner. Software that integrates departments and functions across a company into one computer system, enabling various departments to share information and communicate with each other. ERP systems comprise function specific modules designed to interact with the other modules, e.g. Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Purchasing, etc. and can be customised to issue Analysis Requests to Bika, and receiving results and billing information Favicon An icon associated with a particular website, typically displayed in the address bar of a browser accessing the site or next to the site name in a user's list of bookmarks. Upload your own in Bika FUD. Fear Uncertainty Doubt A disinformation strategy used in sales, marketing, public relations, politics, cults, and propaganda to influence perception by disseminating negative and dubious or false information. i18n, i10n. Internationalisation and Localisation i18n = i - 18 letters - n
l10n = l - 10 letters - n
The adaptation of software to different user languages and regional differences. Good software does so without program changes
Bika and Senaite inherit 40 translations from Plone, and the machinery for further Internationalisation and Localisation, through centralised dictionaries and easy through the web collaborative translation at Transifex. Bika dictionaries migrated to Senaite
Inventory Management The process of ensuring that the lab always has the reagents, reference material, kits etc. it needs on available and that it keeps costs as low as possible Lab Clerk Has only administrative rights in Bika, like checking in samples and filling out analysis request forms Lab Technician. See Analyst LOD. Limit of Detection The lowest analyte concentration likely to be reliably distinguished from the LOB and at which detection is feasible. LOD is determined by utilising both the measured LOB and test replicates of a sample known to contain a low concentration of analyte. LOB. Limit of Blank LOB is the highest apparent analyte concentration expected to be found when replicates of a blank sample containing no analyte are tested. LOB = Mean Blank + 1.645 * SD Blank. LOQ. Limit of Quantification The lowest concentration at which the analyte can not only be reliably detected but at which some predefined goals for bias and imprecision are met. The LoQ may be equivalent to the LoD or it could be at a much higher concentration. LDL. Lower Detection Limit
The lowest value to which the measured parameter can be measured using the specified testing methodology
In Bika LIMS, results entered which are less than this value will be reported as < LDL. Also see MDL and UDL
LIMS. Laboratory Information Management System
Software used in laboratories to manage samples, users, instruments, standards and other lab functions such as invoicing, preparation, and work flow automation MDL. Method Detection Limits Method. See Analysis Methods OOR Out of Range Secure and flexible Open Source content management system, CMS, on which Bika and Senaite LIMS are based PO. Purchase Order As used in inventory and supply chain management Preservative May be present in a Sample Container at time the sample is placed into the container QA. Quality AssuranceUsed in Bika terminology to differentiate it from QC, is carried out by the lab's QA Officer on the full Batch Report of lab observations and results interpretation. After passing QA, the Batch goes to the Lab Director to review and publish to the Client QC. Quality ControlQC refers to the quality control measures carried out by analysts and lab managers on Analysis Results the context of standard reference material RFID. Radio-frequency identification RFID uses electromagnetic fields to identify and track tags attached to objects, mostly Samples in LIMS context. The tags contain electronically stored information. Passive tags collect energy from a nearby RFID reader's interrogating radio waves, while Active tags have a local power source and may operate hundreds of meters from the RFID reader. Unlike a barcode, the tag need not be within the line of sight of the reader. SaaS. Software as a Service A software delivery model in which a professional service provider hosts applications and makes them available to customers over the Internet who pay per usage or subscription. SaaS is one of three main categories of cloud computing, alongside infrastructure as a service IaaS, and platform as a service PaaS. SaaS provides a complete software solution which you purchase on a pay-as-you-go basis from a cloud service provider. You rent the use of an app for your organisation and your users connect to it over the Internet, usually with a web browser. All of the underlying infrastructure, middleware, app software and app data are located and secured by the service provider, and no on-site technical skills are required. SaaS LIMS allows labs to get up and running quickly without big capital risk
SampleNB. Since Bika Senaite 1, a Sample presents both the physical Sample and the Analyses requested for it Paraphrased from In general, a sample is a limited quantity of a material intended to represent a larger amount of it. In LIMS, samples are used for testing and analysis in various laboratory disciplines Sample material may be solid, liquid, gas, material or of some intermediate characteristics such as gel, sputum, tissue, organisms, commonly kept in a container of some sort quantified in volume or mass LIMS used in production labs, sample regularly off production lines for quality control, and samples are full mechanical or electronic components in engineering, or units of produce in agriculture Often called Specimen in medicine, a biological specimen gathered from a patient's tissue or fluid, e.g. throat swabs, sputum, urine, blood, surgical drain fluids and tissue biopsies Sample InventoryMuch like reagent inventory, nut e.g. in biobanking, describing the quality and volume of a sample in storage Sample Matrix Set of materials from which a sample type can be associated with in order to correctly derive a testing methodology. In Bika Senaite, Sample Types expand on these matrices with a finer granularity. Sample Medium. The media samples are taken on, e.g. air filters Sample Point. Indicates the location where the sample is taken Sample QC Sample quality management itself, not to be confused with analysis results QC: Samples undergo QC to determine its concentration or purity Sampling Rounds Sampling done on recurring field trips, e.g. taking regular water quality samples along a certain route of boreholes and rivers, can be configured in Sampling Round Templates for easy creation of the records they contain Also handy for hygiene or other surveys, regular sampling on production lines Sample Source/Location A collection of Sample Points at the same location or source, e.g. different oil sumps on a transformer or big piece of machinery Sample Template A Sample registration tool like Analysis Profiles, but in addition to Analyses requested, may also include defaults for Sample Point, Sample Type and Sample Partition/Analysis co-ordination Sample Type The type of sample, e.g. potable water or waste water – this will effect the specifications for its results in Bika Sampling Date. The date that the sample was (or will be) taken SD. Standard Deviation A measure of the variability of a distribution of values. The more the values cluster around the mean, the smaller the SD SID. Sample ID The unique and sequential Sample ID issued by the LIMS. Not the same as the CSID, the client's own ID for the sample SO. Supply Order Labs use this Bika feature to distribute supplies like reagents and glassware to satellite labs and sampling containers etc. to clients SpectroscopyAAS. Atomic Absorption Spectrometry F-AAS. Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry GF-AAS. Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry ICP. Inductively Coupled Plasma IR. Infrared Spectrometry MS. Mass Spectrometry OES. Optical Emission Spectrometry UV. Ultra Violet Spectrometers TAT. Turn around Time. Measured for analyses from sample receipt to verification Traceability Ability to trace the history of a LIMS object, e.g. an Analysis Request – when was it sampled, received, analysed and by whom TSV. Tab-Separated Value file An alternative to the common comma-separated values, CSV, format, a simple text format for storing data in a tabular structure, table or spreadsheet, and a way of exchanging information between systems. Each field value is separated from the next by a tab character Upper Detection Limit (UDL) The Upper Detection Limit is the highest value to which the measured parameter can be measured using the specified testing methodology. In Bika LIMS, results entered which are greater than this value will be reported as > UDL. Also see LDL and MDL Waybill A waybill is a document issued by a carrier giving details and instructions relating to the shipment of a consignment of goods. Typically it will show the names of the consignor and consignee, the point of origin of the consignment, its destination, and route A waybill is similar to that of a courier's receipt which contains the details of the consignor and the consignee, and also the point of origin and destination. Worksheet. WSA collection of analyses grouped together for the same lab bench, on the same instrument or by the same analyst. QC Samples are included for easy verification of routine Analyses in context Worksheet Template The Bika 'Worksheet Template Engine' is used to create templates including of QC Analyses in fixed positions, from which worksheets can be cloned repeatedly without having to go through lengthy manual processes every time such a worksheet is required for a certain instrument or workstation The WS Template format is often established by the size of Instrument Sample trays, and which reference Samples, Blanks, CRMs and duplicates, the Methods for the Analyses on the Worksheet prescribe ZMI. Zope Management Interface The management and configuration environment that allows authorised users to control, manipulate and configure Zope objects on the Bika Senaite base level, via its view into the Zope object hierarchy. Best left to professionals, though simple customisations like changing the LIMS' banner and print logos, require a few clicks in the ZMI only 4IR. Fourth Industrial Revolution