bika (bi:ka Zulu trad) report, from clan to clan, bring news of weddings, births, festivals and funerals

What makes Bika unique
Bika Users say
Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Patagonia
I acknowledge the great work they have done on this product. Working under the Open Source philosophy is very comfortable because it is a way to share and show work. I thank each of you for your knowledge, care and commitment. I congratulate you as a human and professional group - Marcos Cruz, IAEA fellow, Analista en Computación
Quantum Analytical Services (Pty) Ltd, Western Cape. Using Bika since 2007
Bika LIMS has a decade long ISO 17025 track record and large online knowledge base shared between supporting laboratories, and I believe sets the benchmark for true affordability, development expertise and on-going technical support. Our peers who developed inhouse or purchased proprietary LIMS, far exceeded our own spending
It improved my laboratory's productivity significantly, automating energy calculations, flagging results outside industry and client standards, and integrating analytical equipment, accounting and client exports
I don't hesitate recommending Bika LIMS as a cost effective, well designed, flexible matrix for handling the LIMS requirements of all laboratories, small and large, irrespective of the discipline practised. - Patrick Griffiths, Lab owner
Dr. Akbar Niazi Teaching Hospital, Islamabad
I am fortunate to have had every question of mine answered on the GNU Health, Bika LIMS and Orthanc user lists. The support is simply wonderful - Khurram Shahzad, Software Development Manager