Bika LIMS Instrument Interfaces
Veterinary |
Agilent Agilent 55B bidirectional via SpectrAA middleware Masshunter Masshunter Quantitative Bruker S-8 Tiger XRF Eltra CS 2000 FOSS FIAStar bidirectional MilkoScan Winescan Auto Winescan FT120 Hach DR 3900 bidirectional Horiba Jobin-Yvon ICP Lachat Quick Chem FIA bidirectional Metler Toledo DL55 via LabXtitration Nuclisens EasyQ PANalytical Omnia Axios XRF Perkin Elmer Delta Somascope LactoScope FT-A NexION 350X Via Winlab32 Middleware: Optima 8300 PinAAcle 900H |
Rigaku Supermini WXRF Seal Analytics AQ2 Shimadzu GCMS-QP2010 SE GCMS-TQ8030 GC/MS/MS HPLC-PDA Nexera-I LC2040C ICPE-9000 Multitype LC MS/MS Nexera X2 LCMS-8050 Tescan TIMA Thermo Scientific Arena 20XT Gallery 9861x Vista Pro ICP bidirectional
Abbott m2000 RealTime PCR Alere Pima Beads Pima CD4 BD Biosciences FACSCalibur Beckman Coulter Access 2 BioDrop uLite Life Technolgies Qubit Nuclisens EasyQ Roche Cobas Integra 400plus Cobas Taqman 48 Cobas Taqman 96 Sysmex XS 500i, 1000i XT 1800i, 4000i Thermo Scientific Microplate Spectrophotometer Multiskan GO |
Abaxis VetScan VS2 ScilVet abc Plus
Import AutomationLIMS import of instrument results per CSV or otherwise formatted tables, can be automated for the system to pick results files up from a folder configurable per instrument CSV importsAlso consider Bika's CSV results import, in a simple table of rows per Sample ID, columns per Analysis keyword. In the manual Quick quoteFor an affordable new Interface, please forward us some examples of the results files produced by your Instruments, and if available, import formats