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1st OpenLabConnect release. Open Source Instrument middle ware

A team of coders in Vietnam, led by Huy Doan, in association with the OpenElis community and sponsored by APHL, put out a first version of their Open Source Instrument Interface server, OpenLabConnect, for evaluation.

We have not had time to take an in depth look, please do, and provide feedback. It looks very neat, Well done Huy!

GithubReadme paraphrased

OpenLabConnect is used to interface analysers and LIMS, automatically transferring test results. It uses OpenHIM as mediator.

The Server runs NodeJS to monitor data from serial ports, process and insert it into MongoDB. Client side, a web-based AngularJS application allows end-users to check and view results transferred from analysers, and users select to transfer them to LIMS.

Technologies used

  • Express server with nested routing architecture
  • Nodemon with LiveReload for the development process
  • Automatic Bower dependencies injection on package install
  • Unit tests with Karma & Mocha
  • JSHint integration
  • Sass support
  • Authentication system, with Passport
  • MongoDB, with Mongoose ODM


, 19 July 2016